Saturday, August 27, 2011


Kindness to Animals

 Author unknown
Little children, never give
Pain to things that feel and live;
Let the gentle robin come
For the crumbs you save at home;
As his meat you throw along
He’ll repay you with a song.
Never hurt the timid hare
Peeping from her green grass lair,
Let her come and sport and play
On the lawn at close of day.
Kindness to Animals, Poems for kids: 17_1.gif
The little lark goes soaring high
To the bright windows of the sky,
Singing as if t'were always spring,
And fluttering on an untired wing -
Oh! Let him sing his happy song,
Nor do these gentle creatures wrong.

Flower on the Road

By Chitra Padmanabhan

Spring has come,
said the bougainvillea
Crimson, orange, cream
and yellow
Making a flower wall
along the road
I bring happiness
to all.

Wait, said the
little flower
on the edge of the kerb
I, too, blossom
though I am small
Every now and then
a little child walks past,
sees me
at her height
And happily smiles.

Doesn't that make us comrades
on the road!

My Little Kitty Brown
By: Carol Combine


The little brown Kitty
I found down the street,
Would run around
And sniff the ground.
How he'd dance around
With a little meowing sound
My little Kitty Brown

The Sparrow's Nest

By Chitra Padmanabhan
Oh, why does the sparrow
build a nest in the rain?
Won't the downpour
wash the nest away?
Asked the child, to her grandmother.

Monsoon is a time
when there are
lots of worms,
and that means food
for the little ones!

That's why sparrows build
a nest in the rain,
said the grandmother with a smile

The Sparrow's Nest, Poems for kids: 73_1.gif

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